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Image by Nicolas Solerieu


Hey there!


My name is Madison, and I'm delighted to share a little about myself with you. Thanks for checking out my page and I am so happy that you're here!


Design has always been a deep passion of mine, and it's incredible to now have the opportunity to bring unique and inspiring spaces to life through my own business. I've recently embarked on an exciting journey as an entrepreneur and started my own interior design company! 


To touch on my background...


My love for design has been ever-present but truly blossomed during my time in high school theater, where I found myself drawn to stage managing and directing. The demanding schedule and pressure of running shows taught me valuable skills in organization and teamwork, while also allowing me to create immersive worlds for others. 


My love for design continued into college, and throughout my time at OU, I gained immense knowledge, developed valuable friendships, and was beyond fortunate to have mentors guide me along the way. One particular highlight of my design journey was a trip to Frank Lloyd Wright's Fallingwater house in PA. Experiencing the Kauffman house and the surrounding Usonian homes gave me a profound appreciation for the attention to detail and artistry involved in creating holistic spaces that engage all the senses.


After graduating with a major in interior design, and a minor in architecture, I began working for a remodeling company. This is where I gained a deep appreciation for residential design. I came to find immense joy in the process of transforming houses into homes, as they represent the most personal and intimate space in our lives – a sanctuary that allows us to retreat from the outside world and truly be ourselves. Designing homes is a privilege as it allows me to create environments that reflect the unique stories and personalities of the people who inhabit them.


On a personal level...


When I'm not immersed in design projects, I'm all about pursuing my passions and having a blast! I'm into long distance cycling, exploring new trails and feeling the wind in my hair. Camping and hiking are also right up my alley, and you can oftentimes find me curled up in my hammock with a good book or listening to a true-crime podcast. Oh, and let's not forget my two adorable cats; they're my fur babies, and I absolutely adore them.  I also love getting creative in the kitchen and whipping up scrumptious treats for my friends and family- or just trying out new gluten-free recipes. Speaking of friends and family, spending quality time with my loved ones is very important to me and I absolutely cherish every opportunity to create lasting memories with my people. Last, and anything but least, when it comes to having a great time with my boyfriend, we're all about jamming at local concert venues, traveling and exploring new places, or finding the most delicious cup of joe around. If you need top tier coffee recommendations, we got your back!


Closing remarks...


With my emerging company, Von Tungeln Interior Design, I aim to continue creating inviting and luxurious spaces that showcase individuality while providing a better human experience. My goal is to make a positive and meaningful impact on the lives of those who inhabit the spaces I design.


I can't wait to see what the future holds, and I'm excited to bring my passion and creativity to each project I undertake.


Thank you for joining me on this journey!

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